Posts by Preschool Fundraisers

Anatomy of a Successful School Fundraiser

Anatomy of a Successful School Fundraiser

What do successful fundraisers have in common? Find out here as FutureFund breaks down the anatomy of a fundraising campaign that works. Learn what elements to include in your campaign so that you can meet your school group’s goals.

20 School Spirit Merchandise Ideas

20 School Spirit Merchandise Ideas

When it comes to selling school spirit merchandise, why stop at t-shirts? Think outside the box with this list from FutureFund that includes phone cases, fridge magnets, and more—so that you can raise the most money possible through your PTA or PTO.

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How to Sell Spirit Wear for Your School

How to Sell Spirit Wear for Your School

Selling spirit wear is an easy way to raise money for your school and community, but setting up an online store is an easier and more effective way to hit your fundraising goals than just selling merch at in-person events. Learn more tips and best practices with this guide from FutureFund so you can reach your PTA or PTO’s targets.

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How to Tell If Your Students Are Using ChatGPT

How to Tell If Your Students Are Using ChatGPT

How can you tell whether your student is using ChatGPT or a similar AI to write their assignments for them? Use this handy guide from the team at Future Fund to recognize the signs so that you can preserve your classroom’s integrity and ensure the right learning experience for your students.

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