Trinkets are common rewards for K-12 students who participate in fundraisers—but they aren’t the most memorable. Let the FutureFund team show you why using experiences as rewards can be more meaningful in the long run, and why it’s often more cost-effective as well.
We’ve got two great feature announcements for you today: some exciting changes to our ticketing app, Turnstile, and a new way for you to accept payments!
Turnstile Season’s Passes + Form/Waiver Integration
Introducing Season’s Passes!
First, we’re excited to let you know that you can now use FutureFund to sell season pass tickets via Turnstile, our free school ticketing app. Like a regular ticket, season passes can be tracked via FutureFund and redeemed at the door using the Turnstile app.
Associate Forms and Waivers With Tickets
You can now associate form or waiver completions with ticket purchases. For example, you can require a parent or student to sign a permission slip before they can purchase a ticket to a dance or school event.
By linking ticket purchase and waiver completion, you make it easier for parents to buy tickets (and even easier for school groups to ensure they have the forms/waivers they need).
FutureFund Now Accepts Cash App!
FutureFund now supports payments via Cash App! We are excited to bring this widely requested payment option to our platform.
People will be able to choose the Cash App during the checkout process, allowing them to scan and pay easily. As always, FutureFund keeps everything nicely organized from a reporting and auditing perspective.