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Kick Off Your School’s Fundraising with Ready-to-Go Campaigns


Choose a Campaign

With customizable templates, fundraise and sell, host an a-thon, grow your membership, and more.


Customize Your Campaign

Make each campaign your own. Customize donation amounts, choose whether to make the campaign tax-deductible, and choose when to make it live in your store.


Share Your Fundraiser

Make your campaign live, promote it far and wide with a shareable link, then use the campaign dashboard to track and manage funds as they come in.

Simple & Powerful Features for School Groups Like Yours

FutureFund is built with everything you need to save time and raise more for your school group—from planning and running fundraising activities to organizing your membership and fulfilling your financial reporting requirements.

Easy Financial Reporting

Ready-to-Go Fundraisers

Automatic Registration

Member Messaging System

Build a Custom Online Store

Use powerful eCommerce tools to sell school merch, event tickets, memberships, and more.

Built-In Payment Processing

Seamlessly accept payments via all major credit and debit cards, plus track cash and check purchases.

Real Time Analytics

See each donation or purchase as it comes in, use graphs to visualize trends, and generate financial reports in just a few clicks.

Fully Customizable

Edit every detail of your campaigns to make sure they always support your school group’s goals.

Trusted By Schools Everywhere

FutureFund is used by over 1,000+ organizations, including:


Raised For Our Schools Since 2014

S. Bucceri

Board Clerk for Salisbury Central School

“FutureFund has been a game changer for our school. We love it because it keeps track of all the purchases for fundraisers and field trips and eliminates the need to handle cash and checks.”

Made for real schools and real parents

Heather Wright

PTA Member

“The biggest thing we love about FutureFund is how easy it is to keep our group organized! I love the parents directory and volunteer tools because its so easy to get everyone organized and informed!”